This year we’ll be celebrating 15 years of our winter show. We hope you can join us at First Magnitude Brewing Company, on Sunday, Dec. 3 from 10am-5pm.

We will welcome 80+ different artists, crafters, and makers, just in time for you to shop for the holidays. Vendors will be spread throughout the north and south parking lots, as well as the beer garden.

Here is the full list of vendors you’ll see at the show.
Maker | Link |
A Beetle’s Burden | abeetlesburden |
Anney Life Designs | anneyleather |
Aries Heat Candles | AriesHeat |
Ariuberti illustration | ariuberti |
Banana Planners | bananaplanners |
Bee Friends Farm | beefriendsfarm |
Bianca Williams Ceramics | biancaw.ceramics |
Cassava & Rye | Cassavaandrye |
Cat Feet Designs | dlsmith1917 |
CathBoswellCeramics | cathboswell |
Celestial Jelly | celestialjellyearrings |
Clove and Cotton | clove_and_cotton |
Compass Collective Books | compass__collective |
Crooked Path Forge | crookedpathforge |
Curved Clay Arts | curvedclayarts |
Cutiedoki | cutiedoki |
Daphne Dupere Ceramics | daphne_dupere_ceramics |
Derpathia | jacquelynleeper |
Desperado Goods | desperadogoods |
Disorderly Adventure | Disorderlyadventure |
Documented Journey | Documentedjourney |
Embroidery and Design by Fahndi | by.fahndi |
Emi’s Candle Co. | emiscandleco |
Emily Clark-Kramer | emilyclarkkramer |
Enso Naturals | EnsoTioga |
Euler Ceramics | eulerceramics |
Fappukeki | fappukeki |
Fluidity by Amber | fluiditybyamber |
Foggy Swamp Coffee | foggyswamp |
Foster Garrett Design | fostergarrettdesign |
Full Spectrum Fiber | lacedust19 |
Genevieve Camp Studio | genevieve_camp_studio |
Glow Bar GNV | glowbargnv |
Grinning Mugs | grinningmugs |
HaldeCraft | haldecraft |
Handshucked | |
Hein Woodworking | mike.hein.984 |
Iamsonotcool | iamsonotcoolvintage |
In The Beginning Jewelry | inthebeginning |
Jaya Merina Art | |
Jenna Horner Art | jennahorner |
Jess Vartanian Illustration | jessvartanian |
JOFFE’ CREATIONS | joffecreations |
Knotted Vines | knottedvines |
Kristen Norman Art | kmnormanis |
Lost in Pots | lostinpots |
LVR Ink | lvrink |
Made-up Gossip | madeupgossip |
Marie Pierre Ceramist | mpierre_ceramist |
Miss Johnny Squirrel | missjohnnysquirrel |
Morgaine Godwin Art | morgainegodwinart |
Mud and Thread | mudandthread |
muelleramyk | muelleramyk |
Natalie V Mason | nvmason |
Paradise Press and Print Studio | printatparadise |
Passiondale | passiondale |
Pink Tiki Glass Designs | pinktikiglassdesigns |
Poetry Cowgirl Nail Polish | poetrycowgirlnailpolish |
Possum Creek Workshop | possumcreekworkshop |
Pretty Bird Soapery | PrettyBirdSoapery |
RARE PANDA Artworks | rarepanda |
REjuled | REjuled |
Relax Salt Rooms | relaxsaltrooms |
Remarkable Blooms | remarkableblooms |
rudolph clay studios | rudolphclaystudios |
Rudy’s Rescue for Homeless Toys | |
Samm Wehman Art | Sammwehmanart |
Short Stack Prints | shortstackprints |
Shortt Editions | shortteditions |
Silvestre Designs | SilvestreDesigns |
Society Whispers | society_whispers |
Soraya Sus Designs | susoraya |
Spotty Boy Press | spottyboypress |
Stacked Wax | stacked_wax |
Stained Gorgeous | stained-gorgeous |
Star Prince Empire | star_prince_empire |
Studio N.orth (pronounced Studio N | studion.orth |
Studio T/M Pottery & Clay | studiotmceramics |
Studio Tecca | studio.tecca |
Sunshine Canning | sunshinecanning |
Sunshine Clay Studio | sunshineclaystudio |
sunstonedsilver | sunstonedsilver |
Sweet July Design | SweetJulyDesign |
The STEAM Train FL, LLC | thesteamtrain |
Timber Line Jewelry | timberlinejewelry |
Toast In Style | Toast in Style |
Twist and Stretch Accessories | twistnstretch |
Veronica Villasenor | verovi62 |
Warehouse Candles | warehousecandles |
Wickedly Creative | wickedlycreative |
Wild Within Flowers | wildwithinflowers |
Working Food | workingfood |
Wynnwood Ave. | WynnwoodAve |
We’ll have vendors on both the south and north sides of the brewery, as well as in the beer garden. Please note that additional parking is available in the Depot Park overflow lots shown on this map.