Coming to GLAM? Share it on Facebook!

If you’re active on Facebook and plan on coming to GLAM, we’d love it if you’d RSVP as a yes on our official Facebook event page. Here’s the link: And hey, why not invite all your friends while you’re at it? The more, the merrier!

Remember, it’s less than a week now until the event. You’ll be able to shop from nearly 50 local artists, crafters, and designers who are offering everything from T-shirts to tutus, and from hoola hoops to handmade soaps. For more about the vendors, check out the Vendors page.

Get ready to get festive!

It’s hard to believe it, but the holidays are just around the corner. And that means that now is the time to start thinking about holiday shopping. Thankfully, GLAM Indie Craft Show is here to help. At GLAM, you’ll find cool and one-of-a-kind gifts designed and produced by local artists and crafters.

Remember, GLAM will take place on Sunday, Dec. 4 from noon to 5pm at the Villa East banquet hall on North Main Street. In the meantime, here’s a timelapse video of last year’s event to help get you in the mood.



Meet the vendors for GLAM 2011

We’re excited to announce the vendors who’ll be selling their wares at this year’s GLAM Indie Craft Show! Swing over to our Vendors page to check them out.

You may notice the list seems longer than last year’s list. That’s because it is! This year we’ve grown by 40 percent, thanks to the extra room at our new venue, Villa East. So you’ll have even more great locally made gifts to choose from.

GLAM 2011 applications now open

GLAM 2010

GLAM 2010Many of you have been asking me when you can apply to this year’s show. I’m happy to say that the application form is now live! Just click on the “Apply” tab at the top of this website, read all of the instructions, and then provide the required information. That’s all!

If you have any questions, just email Kim at glamcraftshow(at)gmail(dot)com.

New year, new venue: GLAM is moving to Villa East!

Villa East
Villa East (image from Villa East website)

We’re excited to announce that GLAM Indie Craft Show is moving to a new home!

After enjoying two great years at the Thelma Boltin Center, we decided that it was time to find a larger venue. Now we’ll be able to open up additional spots for talented artists and crafters, and we’ll have plenty of room in the aisles for our wonderful customers. Continue reading “New year, new venue: GLAM is moving to Villa East!”

Save the date!

Image via Flickr user eaglegrl76
We’re tickled to say that GLAM Indie Craft Show will be back for another round! Mark your calendars now for Sunday, Dec. 4.

And shhhh… don’t tell, but we have a few secrets up our sleeves that should make this year’s event better than ever.

Want to hear the latest news or receive the official call for vendors? Be sure to sign up for our mailing list using the box over there on the right, or you can just subscribe to our Facebook page.

Come to GLAM!

GLAM posterPlanning on coming to GLAM? Great! We’d love to have you. And if you’re planning on coming, why not let everyone else know, too.

We’ve got an official event page set up on Facebook, so all you have to do is say “Yes, I’m attending.” It’s that easy!

And please feel free to pass along an invite to all of your friends — the more the merrier.

Thanks so much, and we look forward to seeing you at GLAM!

Meet the stars of GLAM 2010

Love, Lindsey KayeWe’ve got a great line-up for this year’s GLAM! No matter who you need to shop for this holiday season — your wife, your brother, or your kid — you’ll be able to find the perfect gift at GLAM.

We’ll have funky jewelry, kids clothes and toys, unique home decor, hand-printed stationery, hoola hoops, wallets crafted from recycled materials, and much more.

For the full list of who’ll be there, check out the vendors section of our website.

And did I mention that we’ll be giving out free swag bags to the first 100 shoppers through the door? It’s true! So be sure to get there early to nab a bag.

The countdown begins

christmas countdown advent calendarIt’s hard to believe, but GLAM is just over two months away. All of the notification emails have been sent out to vendors, and we’ll posting the full list of vendors here on the website soon.

We had a great group of folks apply — more than we had room for — so it’s bound to be a great show. Hope to see you there!

If you applied to be a vendor, please check your inbox for a notification email. If you can’t find it — even in your spam box — then send an email to [email protected] and we’ll let you know your status.

And thanks again to all the great artists and crafters who applied. Without you, we wouldn’t be able to pull off an event like this. Thanks!